Ing. Jakub Houška, Ph.D.
Team work
- head of the Department, main investigator of ongoing projects TAČR éta, TAČR beta2, Part of contract research of the Ministry of Environment; researcher at TAČR epsilon
- ecological aspects of agroforestry systems (vice-chair Czech Agroforestry Association, Czech national subdelegate by European Agroforestry Federation, Czech ex-officio trustee at International Union for Agroforestry)
LOJKA, Bohdan, et al. Agroforestry in the Czech Republic: What Hampers the Comeback of a Once Traditional Land Use System?. Agronomy, 2022, 12.1: 69.
Chapter (among other things) on environmental aspects of agroforestry systems in the book (monography) awarded by the price of the Josef Hlavka Foundation and the Czech Literary Fund.
Šimek, M., Borůvka, L., Elhottová, D., Houška, J., Konvalina, P., Kopecký, M., Macková, J., Moudrý, J., Pavlů, L., Semančíková, E., Šimek, P. and Uhlík, O. Soil use and degradation. In: ŠIMEK, Miloslav et al. Living soil: biology, ecology, management and degradation of soil. Praha: Academia, 2019. Volume 2, p. 649–768. ISBN 978-80-200-2976-8. [in Czech]
DAHLSJÖ, Cecilia AL, et al. The local impact of macrofauna and land‐use intensity on soil nutrient concentration and exchangeability in lowland tropical Peru. Biotropica, 2020, 52.2: 242-251.
- soil ecology, soil science and soil protection, rating classification, landscape planning
- Remote Sensing (applications in landscape ecology)
BINEY, James et al. Exploring the suitability of UAS-based multispectral images for estimating soil organic carbon: comparison with proximal soil sensing and spaceborne imagery: Remote Sensing. Submitted.